import statistics
import time
import tbot
import typing
import collections
TimingResults = collections.namedtuple(
"TimingResults", ["mean", "harmonic_mean", "median", "pvariance", "pstdev"]
def time_testcase(
testcase: typing.Callable, *args: typing.Any, **kwargs: typing.Any
) -> typing.Tuple[float, typing.Any]:
Time the duration of a testcase.
:param testcase: Testcase to call.
:param args,\\ kwargs: Arguments to pass to the testcase.
:returns: A tuple of the time (in seconds) and the testcase's return value.
.. code-block:: python
from tbot_contrib import timing
def foo(arg1: str, arg2: int) -> int:
duration, ret = timing.time_testcase(foo, "hello", arg2=42)
.. versionadded:: 0.8.2
start = time.monotonic()
result = testcase(*args, **kwargs)
finish = time.monotonic()
return (finish - start, result)
def time_testcase_statistics(
testcase: typing.Callable,
*args: typing.Any,
runs: int = 10,
sleep: float = 0,
**kwargs: typing.Any,
) -> None:
Take multiple measurements about the run-time of a testcase and return/display statistics.
:param testcase: Testcase to call.
:param args,\\ kwargs: Arguments to pass to the testcase.
:param int runs: How many samples to take.
:param float sleep: How much time to sleep in between the runs. Example
use: Maybe the board does not discharge quick enough so it can cause
troubles when the subsecuent testcase run tries to boot again the board
.. versionadded:: 0.8.2
elapsed_times = []
for n in range(runs):
elapsed_time, _ = time_testcase(testcase, *args, **kwargs)
results = TimingResults(
Timing Results:
{tbot.log.c('mean').green}: {results.mean}
{tbot.log.c('harmonic mean').green}: {results.harmonic_mean}
{tbot.log.c('median').green}: {results.median}
{tbot.log.c('variance').green}: {results.pvariance}
{tbot.log.c('standard deviation').green}: {results.pstdev}