import abc
import typing
from tbot.machine import channel, connector, linux
__all__ = ("ConserverConnector",)
[docs]class ConserverConnector(connector.ConsoleConnector):
Connect to a serial console using `conserver`_.
You can configure the device name using the ``conserver_device`` property.
**Example**: (board config)
.. code-block:: python
from tbot.machine import board
from tbot_contrib.connector import conserver
class MyBoard(conserver.ConserverConnector, board.Board):
conserver_device = "ttyS0"
BOARD = MyBoard
def conserver_device(self) -> str:
Device name for conserver.
This property is **required**.
raise Exception("abstract method")
conserver_master: typing.Optional[str] = None
"""Optional name of the conserver master to connect to (``-M``)."""
conserver_command: typing.Union[str, typing.List] = "console"
Command to connect with conserver.
Can be either a :py:class:`str` (single command name) or a :py:class:`list`
(with added command-line args). For example:
.. code-block:: python
conserver_command = ["console", "-p1234", "-n"]
conserver_forcerw: bool = True
Whether to force the console into read-write mode (``-f``).
This is necessary for the case where a session is already attached to this
console while tbot is running. Otherwise, tbot will not be able to
properly intercept the boot process and might fail for odd reasons.
If you don't want tbot to mess with an already running session, set this to
def connect(self, mach: linux.LinuxShell) -> channel.Channel:
if isinstance(self.conserver_command, str):
command = [self.conserver_command]
command = self.conserver_command
args = []
if self.conserver_forcerw:
if self.conserver_master is not None:
ch = mach.open_channel(*command, *args, self.conserver_device)
return ch