# tbot, Embedded Automation Tool
# Copyright (C) 2019 Harald Seiler
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import abc
import contextlib
import typing
import tbot
from tbot.machine import linux
from tbot.tc import git
H = typing.TypeVar("H", bound=linux.LinuxShell)
BH = typing.TypeVar("BH", bound=linux.Builder)
[docs]class UBootBuilder(abc.ABC):
U-Boot build process description.
You will usually define it in your board config like this::
class MyUBootBuilder(tbot.tc.uboot.UBootBuilder):
name = "my-board"
defconfig = "myboard_defconfig"
toolchain = "generic-armv7a-hf"
To make tbot aware of this config, you need to tell it in your
U-Boot config::
class MyUBootMachine(
# Create a builder instance
build = MyUBootBuilder()
If you've done everything correctly, calling the ``uboot_checkout``
or ``uboot_build`` testcases should then checkout and build U-Boot
for your board!
You can also manually trigger the checkout/build of a certain
builder using the :meth:`~tbot.tc.uboot.UBootBuilder.checkout`
and :meth:`~tbot.tc.uboot.UBootBuilder.build` methods.
def name(self) -> str:
"""Name of this builder."""
remote = "https://gitlab.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git"
Where to fetch U-Boot from.
revision = None
Optionally, which revision to check out. Can be any branch, tag, or commit.
defconfig: typing.Optional[str] = None
Defconfig for this board.
toolchain: typing.Optional[str] = None
Name of the toolchain to be used.
Must exist on the selected build-host.
[docs] def do_repo_path(self, bh: H) -> linux.Path[H]:
Build-Step that defines where the U-Boot build-directory is.
The default path is ``$workdir/uboot-$name``. Overwrite this
step to set a custom path::
def do_repo_path(self, bh: linux.Builder) -> linux.Path:
return bh.workdir / "projects" / "foo" / "uboot"
:param linux.Builder bh: Selected build-host. The returned
path **must** be associated with this machine.
:rtype: linux.Path
:returns: Path to the U-Boot build directory
return bh.workdir / f"uboot-{self.name}"
[docs] def do_checkout(
self, target: linux.Path[H], clean: bool, rev: typing.Optional[str]
) -> git.GitRepository[H]:
Build-Step that defines how to checkout U-Boot.
Overwrite this step if you have a custom checkout procedure::
def do_checkout(self, target: linux.Path, clean: bool) -> git.GitRepository:
return git.GitRepository(
:param linux.Path target: Where to checkout U-Boot to. This build-step
must be able to deal with an already checked out U-Boot source.
:param bool clean: Whether this build-step should clean the source-dir
(like ``git clean -fdx``).
:param str rev: Revision to check out, or None to use the current
:rtype: tbot.tc.git.GitRepository
:returns: A git repo of the checked out U-Boot sources
return git.GitRepository(target=target, url=self.remote, clean=clean, rev=rev)
[docs] def do_patch(self, repo: git.GitRepository[H]) -> None:
Build-Step to patch the checked out U-Boot tree.
If you need to apply patches ontop of upstream U-Boot, you should do
so in this step::
def do_patch(self, repo: git.GitRepository) -> None:
repo.am(linux.Path(repo.host, "/path/to/patches"))
[docs] def do_build(self, bh: BH, repo: git.GitRepository[BH]) -> None:
Build-Step to actually build U-Boot.
By default, this steps runs ``make -j $(nproc)``.
nproc = int(bh.exec0("nproc", "--all"))
bh.exec0("make", "-j", str(nproc), "all")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def _get_selected_builder() -> "UBootBuilder":
builder = getattr(tbot.selectable.UBootMachine, "build")
# This error message should make migration easier
if isinstance(builder, type):
raise AssertionError(
f"""Builder must be an instance, not a type!
You probably forgot to add `()` ...
Got: {builder!r}"""
# Ensure type is correct
assert isinstance(builder, UBootBuilder), f"{builder!r} is not a U-Boot Builder"
return builder
def _checkout(
builder: "typing.Optional[UBootBuilder]" = None,
clean: bool = True,
rev: typing.Optional[str] = None,
path: typing.Optional[linux.Path[H]] = None,
host: typing.Optional[H] = None,
) -> git.GitRepository[H]:
Just checkout and patch a version of U-Boot without attempting to build it.
This function can either be called with ``path`` which will make it checkout
U-Boot to ``path`` or with ``host``, which will checkout U-Boot to the path
defined in :meth:`~tbot.tc.uboot.UBootBuilder.do_repo_path`.
Only on of ``path`` or ``host`` is allowed!
# If we don't have a builder, take the one for the selected board
if builder is None:
builder = UBootBuilder._get_selected_builder()
# Assert this testcase is called correctly
argslist = (path, host)
assert (
argslist.count(None) >= len(argslist) - 1
), "At most one of path or host can be specified!"
tbot.log.message(f"Builder: {builder.name}")
with contextlib.ExitStack() as cx:
if path is not None:
host = path.host
if host is None:
lh = cx.enter_context(tbot.acquire_lab())
host = cx.enter_context(lh.build())
path = builder.do_repo_path(host)
repo = builder.do_checkout(path, clean=clean, rev=rev or builder.revision)
return repo
def _build(
builder: "typing.Optional[UBootBuilder]" = None,
clean: bool = True,
repo: typing.Optional[git.GitRepository[BH]] = None,
unpatched_repo: typing.Optional[git.GitRepository[BH]] = None,
path: typing.Optional[linux.Path[BH]] = None,
host: typing.Optional[BH] = None,
lab: typing.Optional[linux.Lab] = None,
) -> git.GitRepository[BH]:
Build U-Boot.
There are a few ways this testcase can be called:
* From the commandline as ``uboot_build`` or in a testcase without
any arguments: tbot will use the configured build-host and builder
config (see :class:`~tbot.tc.uboot.UBootBuilder`) to attempt building
U-Boot. You can use the ``clean`` parameter to specify whether the
build should reuse existing artifacts or start from scratch.
* Specifying just the ``lab`` parameter: Use ``lab`` as the lab-host
from where tbot should connect to its default build-host.
* Specifying just the ``host`` parameter: Build U-Boot on ``host``.
* Just the ``path`` parameter: Checkout U-Boot to ``path`` on ``path``'s
associated host (which must be a build-host).
* Only the ``unpatched_repo``: Apply the patch step onto an already
checked out revision before attempting the build.
* Just the ``repo`` parameter: Use the already checked-out revision
that is assumed to already have necessary patches applied.
In any case, tbot will attempt building U-Boot and if it succeeded,
the testcase will return the git repo. Depending on the way it was called,
it will skip certain steps (See list above). This can be used to build
eg. with a pre-configured checkout or build in a bisect-run.
You can only specify one of ``repo``, ``unpatched_repo``, ``path``, ``host``
or ``lab``!
:param bool clean: Whether the U-Boot tree should be cleand of all leftovers
from previous builds.
:param git.GitRepository repo: Build from existing, checkout-out revision.
:param git.GitRepository unpatched_repo: Build from existing, checkout-out revision,
but also apply patches.
:param linux.Path path: Checkout U-Boot to ``path``.
:param linux.BuildMachine host: Build U-Boot on this host.
:param linux.Lab lab: Build U-Boot on the default build-host of this lab.
:rtype: git.GitRepository
:returns: Location of the U-Boot tree containing build artifacts
# If we don't have a builder, take the one for the selected board
if builder is None:
builder = UBootBuilder._get_selected_builder()
# Assert this testcase is called correctly
argslist = (repo, unpatched_repo, path, host, lab)
assert (
argslist.count(None) >= len(argslist) - 1
), "At most one of repo, unpatched_repo, path, host, or lab can be specified!"
with contextlib.ExitStack() as cx:
if repo is not None:
host = repo.host
if unpatched_repo is not None:
host = unpatched_repo.host
elif path is not None:
host = path.host
elif host is None:
if lab is None:
lab = cx.enter_context(tbot.acquire_lab())
host = typing.cast(BH, cx.enter_context(lab.build()))
if unpatched_repo is not None:
repo = unpatched_repo
if repo is None:
# Set host to none if we have a path
checkout_host = host if path is None else None
repo = checkout(builder, clean=clean, path=path, host=checkout_host)
with builder.do_toolchain(host):
host.exec0("cd", repo)
if clean:
tbot.log.message("Cleaning previous build ...")
host.exec0("make", "mrproper")
if not (repo / ".config").exists():
tbot.log.message("Configuring build ...")
builder.do_configure(host, repo)
# For cases where do_configure() leaves us with an
# incomplete config, call olddefconfig to complete it.
host.exec0("make", "olddefconfig")
with tbot.testcase("uboot_make"):
builder.do_build(repo.host, repo)
assert repo is not None
return repo
# We have to wrap the actual testcases so mypy does not complain
# about invalid method signatures
[docs] def checkout(
clean: bool = True,
path: typing.Optional[linux.Path[H]] = None,
host: typing.Optional[H] = None,
) -> git.GitRepository[H]:
Just checkout and patch a version of U-Boot without attempting to build it.
See :func:`tbot.tc.uboot.checkout`.
return UBootBuilder._checkout(self, clean=clean, path=path, host=host)
[docs] def build(
clean: bool = True,
repo: typing.Optional[git.GitRepository[BH]] = None,
unpatched_repo: typing.Optional[git.GitRepository[BH]] = None,
path: typing.Optional[linux.Path[BH]] = None,
host: typing.Optional[BH] = None,
lab: typing.Optional[linux.Lab] = None,
) -> git.GitRepository[BH]:
Build U-Boot.
See :func:`tbot.tc.uboot.build`.
return UBootBuilder._build(
# Export checkout and build as standalone functions
checkout = UBootBuilder._checkout
build = UBootBuilder._build