Source code for tbot.machine.linux.workdir

# tbot, Embedded Automation Tool
# Copyright (C) 2019  Harald Seiler
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import typing

import tbot
from . import path, linux_shell
from .path import H

[docs]class Workdir(path.Path[H]): _workdirs: ( "typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[linux_shell.LinuxShell, str, str], Workdir]" ) = {} def __init__(self) -> None: # noqa: D107 raise NotImplementedError( "You are probably using this wrong, please refer to the documentation." )
[docs] @classmethod def static(cls, host: H, pathstr: str) -> "Workdir[H]": """ Create a workdir in a static location, described by ``pathstr``. **Example**: .. code-block:: python with tbot.acquire_lab() as lh: workdir = linux.Workdir.static(lh, "/tmp/tbot-my-workdir") """ key = (host, "static", pathstr) try: return typing.cast(Workdir, path.Path(host, Workdir._workdirs[key])) except KeyError: p = typing.cast(Workdir, path.Path(host, pathstr)) host.exec0("mkdir", "-p", p) Workdir._workdirs[key] = p return p
[docs] @classmethod def athome(cls, host: H, subdir: str) -> "Workdir[H]": """ Create a workdir below the current users home directory. **Example**: .. code-block:: python with tbot.acquire_lab() as lh: # Use ~/tbot-foo-dir workdir = linux.Workdir.athome(lh, "tbot-foo-dir") tbot will query the ``$HOME`` environment variable for the location of the current users home directory. """ key = (host, "athome", subdir) try: return typing.cast(Workdir, path.Path(host, Workdir._workdirs[key])) except KeyError: home = host.env("HOME") p = typing.cast(Workdir, path.Path(host, home) / subdir) host.exec0("mkdir", "-p", p) Workdir._workdirs[key] = p return p
[docs] @classmethod def xdg_data(cls, host: H, subdir: str) -> "Workdir[H]": """ Create a workdir in ``$XDG_DATA_HOME/tbot`` (usually ``~/.local/share/tbot``). **Example**: .. code-block:: python with tbot.acquire_lab() as lh: # Use ~/.local/share/tbot/foo-dir workdir = linux.Workdir.xdg_data(lh, "foo-dir") """ key = (host, "xdg_data", subdir) try: return typing.cast(Workdir, path.Path(host, Workdir._workdirs[key])) except KeyError: xdg_data_dir = None try: res = host.env("XDG_DATA_HOME") if res != "": xdg_data_dir = path.Path(host, res) except Exception: pass if xdg_data_dir is None: xdg_data_dir = path.Path(host, host.env("HOME")) / ".local" / "share" p = typing.cast(Workdir, path.Path(host, xdg_data_dir) / "tbot" / subdir) host.exec0("mkdir", "-p", p) Workdir._workdirs[key] = p return p
[docs] @classmethod def xdg_runtime(cls, host: H, subdir: str) -> "Workdir[H]": """ Create a workdir in ``$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR``. ``$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR`` is meant for *non-essential runtime files and other file objects (such as sockets, named pipes, ...)* as specified by the `XDG Base Directory Specification`_. **Example**: .. code-block:: python with tbot.acquire_lab() as lh: # Results in `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/tbot/tbot-pipes` workdir = linux.Workdir.xdg_runtime(lh, "tbot-pipes") .. _XDG Base Directory Specification: """ key = (host, "xdg_runtime", subdir) try: return typing.cast(Workdir, path.Path(host, Workdir._workdirs[key])) except KeyError: xdg_runtime_dir = None try: res = host.env("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR") if res != "": xdg_runtime_dir = path.Path(host, res) except Exception: pass if xdg_runtime_dir is None: tbot.log.warning("No XDG_RUNTIME_DIR was set. Falling back to /tmp ...") xdg_runtime_dir = path.Path(host, "/tmp") p = typing.cast(Workdir, path.Path(host, xdg_runtime_dir) / "tbot" / subdir) host.exec0("mkdir", "-p", p) Workdir._workdirs[key] = p return p