.. py:module:: tbot.machine.connector ``tbot.machine.connector`` ========================== Connectors are one of the three parts of a machine: The connector is responsible for establishing the initial channel for a machine. This can work in many different ways, either a simple subprocess, an ssh-connection, a serial-console device, or a telnet session. All connectors should inherit from the :py:class:`~tbot.machine.connector.Connector` base-class. Provided Connectors ------------------- For a lot of commonly used cases, tbot already has connectors at hand. These are: Subprocess ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: tbot.machine.connector.SubprocessConnector :members: Paramiko ~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: tbot.machine.connector.ParamikoConnector :members: Serial Console ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: tbot.machine.connector.ConsoleConnector :members: Plain SSH ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: tbot.machine.connector.SSHConnector :members: :undoc-members: Base-Class ---------- .. autoclass:: tbot.machine.connector.Connector :members: :private-members: