# Changelog ## [Unreleased] ## [0.10.7] - 2024-03-17 ### Changed - Dropped official support for Python 3.7 - tbot now expects at least Python 3.8. - Improved exception message when parsing of a command's return code fails (for example due to console clutter). - Made the shell detection mechanism a bit more robust (`wait_for_shell()`). ### Fixed - Fixed tbot hanging when an unresponsive subprocess does not terminate by itself ([#104]). - Fixed tbot no longer detecting unbounded regex patterns on recent Python versions. [#104]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/104 ## [0.10.6] - 2023-09-08 ### Added - `Gpio.pulse()` method in `tbot_contrib` for pulsing a GPIO pin ([#95]). - Added coverage tracking for tests. Feel free to help improving coverage, especially of obscure features that will easily break when we don't ensure their functionality with tests. - Added an `AskfirstInitializer` which can be used to deal with boards where the console is configured with `askfirst` ([#98]). - Added the ability to use environment variables in `@` argument files ([#96]). [#95]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/95 [#96]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/96 [#98]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/98 ## [0.10.5] - 2023-06-12 ### Added - Added a `password_prompt` configuration to `LinuxBootLogin` which allows customizing what password prompt to wait for. This helps when the system is localized in a different language ([#93]). - Added a `tbot_contrib.utils.find_block_partitions()` helper for finding all partitions of a particular block device. [#93]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/93 ## [0.10.4] - 2023-04-13 ### Added - Added a `tbot_contrib.linux.meminfo()` helper for extracting info from `/proc/meminfo`. ### Changed - Updated the best-practice example for pytest integration ([pytest Integration]). It now properly allows accessing the configured machines before tests are run ([#86]). An example, where this may be useful, is parameterizing a test depending on a configured machine: ```python # board config class MyBoard(......): interfaces = ["eth0", "usb0"] # testcase module import pytest import tbot def _interfaces(): board_cls = tbot.ctx.get_machine_class(tbot.role.Board) return board_cls.interfaces @pytest.mark.parametrize("interface", _interfaces()) def test_interface(interface): tbot.log.message(f"Testing interface {interface}") ``` ### Fixed - Fixed a file descriptor leak in the `SubprocessConnector` ([#88]). This would lead to an ever increasing number of open files in long test runs. On systems with a low file descriptor limit, tbot would then crash with `OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files`. - Fixed channels not being closed by `SSHConnector` ([#91]). Channels stayed open until tbot exited, which is again problematic for long running tests. - Fixed `SSHConnector` not using the lab-host to connect to remote hosts ([#92]). This was the behavior in the past and got broken in tbot [0.9.0]. - Fixed a couple of robustness issues in `tbot_contrib.gdb` where tbot would hang or throw the wrong type of exception when encountering unexpected situations. [#86]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/86 [#88]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/88 [#91]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/91 [#92]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/92 ## [0.10.3] - 2022-11-21 ### Added - Added a `force` parameter to `tbot.tc.check_for_tool()` which forces the check even if a result was already cached for this tool ([#83]). - Added an `only_decrease` parameter to `tbot.log.with_verbosity()`. - Added an [`AutoConsoleConnector`] to `tbot_contrib` which automatically selects the best available tool for connecting to a serial console. [#83]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/83 [`AutoConsoleConnector`]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/blob/master/tbot_contrib/connector/auto.py ## [0.10.2] - 2022-10-13 ### Added - Added a `tbot_contrib.utils.copy_to_dir()` helper which copies multiple files to a directory. It is a more ergonomic wrapper around the existing `copy()` function. Check its documentation for more details: [`copy_to_dir()`][copy_to_dir-docs] ([#77]). - Lots of custom exception types in the [`tbot.error`] module so test-code can differentiate between different kinds of errors. This is ongoing work and will continue in future releases ([#79]). - Added a `--json-log-stream` CLI option to `newbot` which can be used to reactivate the existing old json-stream logging infrastructure. A new logging mechanism will be added for newbot at some point in the future ([#78]). ### Changed - Moved `tbot.tc.shell.copy()` to `tbot.machine.linux.copy()` as it is a core part of tbot. The old name still exists for compatibility ([#77]). ### Fixed - Fixed tbot hanging when the remote side closes a channel while tbot is reading from it ([#74]). - Fixed a double exception in the context manager for a channel ([#74]). - Fixed the U-Boot shell not initializing correctly on very slow serial lines. - Fixed `copy()` not honoring the `use_multiplexing` setting ([#77]). [#74]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/74 [#77]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/77 [#78]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/78 [#79]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/79 [copy_to_dir-docs]: https://tbot.tools/contrib/utils.html#tbot_contrib.utils.copy_to_dir [`tbot.error`]: https://tbot.tools/modules/error.html ## [0.10.1] - 2022-08-18 ### Added - Added `linux.RedirStdin` to feed file contents to stdin of a command ([#69]). - Added a mechanism which allows tbot to skip entering the password if the remote system never asks for one ([`61800b63461b`]). See ``no_password_timeout`` for details. - Added the `tbot.log.with_verbosity()` helper which can be used to temporarily change the verbosity level of tbot. - Added some documentation on how to integrate tbot with pytest: [pytest Integration] ### Fixed - Fixed `Channel.send()` behavior when called with large amounts of data. - Fixed invalid non-blocking I/O handling in the `SubprocessChannel` implementation. - Fixed a few more escape sequences that clobber tbot's output. ### Changed - Updated the `tbot_contrib.swupdate` testcases to newer tbot APIs. - Changed the escape sequence for exiting interactive sessions. You can now **press `CTRL-]` three times within 1 second** to exit any interactive session at any time. Pressing `CTRL-D` is no longer supported in any but the interactive linux-shell sessions ([#70]). - For all who didn't get the memo that Python 3.6 is EOL: tbot now requires 3.7 as the minimum supported Python version. [pytest Integration]: https://tbot.tools/pytest.html [#69]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/69 [#70]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/pull/70 [`61800b63461b`]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/commit/61800b63461bfe954776dd134000af0c57a62846 ## [0.10.0] - 2022-05-13 ### Added - The `newbot` CLI interface as a completely new and improved tool for calling tbot scripts. The documentation has been updated, you can familiarize yourself with the new tool in the new [Quickstart Guide] and learn about migrating to it in [Migrating to `newbot`]. The `tbot` tool will not be removed for the time being but it will not be the place for new development from now on. - Added a `boot_timeout` setting to `LinuxBootLogin` which will raise a `TimeoutException` if the login-prompt is not reached in the given time. ### Changed - Upgraded the python package metadata to newer standards. Ideally this should not have any visible effects to users. ### Fixed - Fixed `tbot_contrib.locking` sometimes failing with `chmod` related error messages while checking lock expiry. [Quickstart Guide]: https://tbot.tools/quickstart.html [Migrating to `newbot`]: https://tbot.tools/cli.html#migrating-to-newbot ## [0.9.6] - 2022-03-02 ### Added - Added the `linux.Path.resolve()` method to turn relative paths absolute and to resolve all symlinked components of a path. This is essentially `realpath(1)`. - Added `linux.Path.readlink()`. - Added `linux.Path.symlink_to()`. This is a more ergonomic wrapper around calling `ln(1)` manually. - Added `linux.Path.rglob()`. This method can be used to recursively find all files matching a glob beneath a certain path. ### Changed - `linux.Path.glob()` now only allows globbing in the the last component of the pattern path. This means `common/*.c` works fine, but `co*/*.c` does _not._ ### Fixed - Fixed some problems with some busybox versions when using `Path.write_text()` for device property files in `/sys`. - Fixed `linux.Workdir` sometimes returning a different workdir (when same "key" is used for multiple workdirs on the same host). - Fixed `linux.Path.glob()` not dealing properly with odd characters in the glob pattern (most notably spaces). ## [0.9.5] - 2022-02-14 ### Added - Added a new, reworked integration for U-Boot's test/py testsuite as [`tbot_contrib.uboot.testpy`]. Consider using this one in preference of the old `tbot.tc.uboot.testpy`. - Added a `.board` property to all machines which were instantiated from a "board" (like a `BoardLinux`, for example). This property points back to this original board machine. See issue [#65] for a usecase of this. ### Removed - Soft-removed the old selftest suite (which was called with `tbot selftest`) in favor of the new pytest based one. Please selftest tbot with the following command instead: ```bash cd /path/to/tbot-sources python3 -m pytest selftest/ ``` ### Fixed - Fixed a bug when using death-strings on a machine and then calling `LinuxShell.run()`. This fixes spurious messages about the command having ended prematurely when it really hasn't. - Fixed `Path.write_bytes()` and `Path.write_text()` raising an exception of the wrong type when an error occurs. This could sometimes even lead to improper behavior of follow-up commands. - Fixed the `GDBShell` for versions of `gdb` which ask about enabling `debuginfod`. [#65]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/issues/65 [`tbot_contrib.uboot.testpy`]: https://tbot.tools/contrib/uboot.html#tbot_contrib.uboot.testpy ## [0.9.4] - 2021-12-24 ### Fixed - Fix machine locking (`tbot_contrib.locking`) not quite working when `reset_on_error_by_default` is active in the tbot context. - Fix `reset_on_error` raising odd exceptions when nested requests of the same machine are done. - Fixed tbot not running with Python 3.10. - Fixed `tbot_contrib.locking` locks not working properly on multi-user systems due to bad permissions. ## [0.9.3] - 2021-12-10 ### Added - Added the `NullConnector` for designing machine classes which do not have a channel. This is useful, for example, when a board has no serial console. - Added the `powercycle_delay` attribute to the `PowerControl` initializer. This can be used to specify a wait time between poweroff and subsequent poweron of a board. Used to let the poweroff settle to have the board really off before turning it back on. - Added an option to slow down transmission of a `Channel` for serial consoles which cannot process incoming data fast enough. See [`Channel.slow_send_delay`] for details. - Added a `Context.teardown_if_alive()` method to ensure no instance of a certain role is active. This can be useful, for example, when a `BoardLinux` instance is alive but you need to enter U-Boot. Normally this would fail, because the `BoardLinux` instance is keeping the `Board` instance for itself. With teardown_if_alive() you can first tear down this `BoardLinux` instance and then request the `BoardUBoot` instance as usual. ### Changed - When a pytest testcase is skipped, `tbot.Context`'s `reset_on_error` flag no longer triggers a board reset. This means skipping testcases is now just as fast as not executing them where it previously would trigger a reset of all machines. ### Fixed - Fixed Linux machines not connecting when a very long `PS1` is used on the remote side. - Fixed an exception during context teardown when `keep_alive` mode is enabled. - Fixed `find_ip_address()` not working with the BusyBox version of the `ip` utility. [`Channel.slow_send_delay`]: https://tbot.tools/modules/machine_channel.html#tbot.machine.channel.Channel.slow_send_delay ## [0.9.2] - 2021-09-13 ### Added - Added a new `strip_ansi_escapes()` utility in `tbot_contrib.utils` which can be used to remove e.g. color escape codes from command output. - Added a `hashcmp()` utility in `tbot_contrib.utils` to compare the hashsum of two files (which may be located on different machines). - Added the `py.typed` marker for type-checkers (see [PEP 561]). ### Fixed - Fixed the order of instance teardown in `keep_alive` contexts. This fixes any kinds of problems due to wrong teardown order of dependent machines (e.g. lab-host torn down before a board machine). - Fixed selftests failing due to deprecation of `ssh-rsa` algorithm. - Fixed `find_ip_address()` not working when a local address is passed as the `route_target`. [PEP 561]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0561/ ## [0.9.1] - 2021-06-23 ### Added - Added a mechanism for "locking" connections to certain machines. This can be used, for example, to ensure exclusive access to a certain board. See [`tbot_contrib.locking`][tbot-locking] for details. - `Path.rmdir()` and `Path.unlink()`: Methods to conveniently delete an empty directory, a symlink, or a file from a host's filesystem. - `Path.mkdir()`: Method to conveniently create a directory on the respective machine. - `Path.at_host(host)`: A method to safely convert a tbot-path into a plain string. The `host` parameter is used to check that the `Path` is actually meant for the expected host. Any uses of the (unofficial) `_local_str()` method should be replaced by `at_host()` as the former will be removed soon. - New classes `AppendStdout`, `AppendStderr`, and `AppendBoth` in `machine.linux` allow to append command output to files in `exec()` and `exec0()` methods. - Added a feature to the `Context` to allow reconfiguring a context temporarily (`Context.reconfigure()`). This is useful to e.g. enable `keep_alive` mode for certain tests. ### Changed - Warnings emitted due to problems when parsing the SSH config now include hints about the actual problem. - `linux.Path` no longer inherits from `pathlib.PurePosixPath`. This fixes a number of long standing oddities where certain methods would not function correctly. All API from `PurePosixPath` has been reimplemented in `linux.Path` explicitly, now with the proper behavior. ### Fixed - Fixed the `PyserialConnector` not working properly with tbot contexts. - Fixed `linux.Background` not properly redirecting stderr output. [tbot-locking]: https://tbot.tools/contrib/locking.html ## [0.9.0] - 2021-03-03 ### Added - Added the **Context** API for much easier and more flexible machine management. Please read the [Context API][context-api] documentation for an introduction and migration guide. **Note**: For now the old `tbot.selectable` API still exists and will be compatible both ways with the new API. It will, however, slowly be phased out in the future. - Warning about incorrect build-host configuration when running `uboot_testpy` testcase. - Added support for SSH connection multiplexing to `SSHConnector`. You can enable it by adding `use_multiplexing = True` to your host config. Multiplexing can drastically speed up testcases which open many connections to the same host (see [`ControlMaster` in `sshd_config(5)`][ssh-multiplexing] for details). - Added two more types of machine initializers: - [`PreConnectInitializer`][pre-connect-initializer]: Runs before the connection is established. - [`PostShellInitializer`][post-shell-initializer]: Runs after the shell is available (and thus can interact with it). ### Changed - `LinuxShell.env()` can now be used to query `$!` (last background job PID) and `$$` (current shell PID) special environment variables (using `m.env("!")` and `m.env("$")`). - Added some more specific exception types and started using them where appropriate. This effort is by far not over yet, though ... - The `linux.Background` special token is now more safe to use as it prevents console clobbering as good as it can. You can manually redirect command output to files using a new call syntax. See [`Background`][linux-background] documentation for details. - `paramiko` is now an optional dependency. tbot works just fine without paramiko, but if it is installed, the `ParamikoConnector` becomes available. - Switched to `pytest` for tbot's selftests. ### Fixed - Call `olddefconfig` before attempting to build U-Boot. This prevents kconfig from attempting to interactively query new config settings. - Fixed a rare timing-dependent bash/ash initialization deadlock. - Fixed `selftest_tc` failing if user has no git identity set up. - Fixed documentation silently building without version information if `git describe` fails. - Fixed tbot configuring an overly narrow terminal in some cases, leading to weird looking output (now the minimum is 80 chars wide). - Fixed `Path.write_text()`/`Path.write_bytes()` hanging when an error occurs and the channel receives data very slowly. [context-api]: https://tbot.tools/context.html [ssh-multiplexing]: https://man.openbsd.org/ssh_config.5#ControlMaster [linux-background]: https://tbot.tools/modules/machine_linux.html#tbot.machine.linux.Background [pre-connect-initializer]: https://tbot.tools/modules/machine.html#tbot.machine.PreConnectInitializer [post-shell-initializer]: https://tbot.tools/modules/machine.html#tbot.machine.PostShellInitializer ## [0.8.3] - 2020-09-22 ### Added - Added `ensure_sd_unit()` testcase/util-function which starts systemd services if not yet running. - `tbot.error` module as a central place for defining all exception types. - Added a `PyserialConnector` to connect to a serial port using [PySerial][pyserial]. - super-verbose mode (`-vvv`) now prefixes each output line with a channel identifier to help separate what data came from which channel. - Added a `Channel.read_until_timeout()` method for reading all data until a timeout is reached (or an Exception is thrown). - Added `find_ip_address()` testcase/util-function to discover the IP address of a machine. - One can now pass a custom line-ending to `Channel.readline()` incase the remote does not behave properly and send `\r\n` for every line. - Added a `Channel.add_death_string()` method which is like `.with_death_string()` but not a context-manager. The death string is added for the entire lifetime of the channel with this new method. ### Changed - tbot now prints all passed flags on start (and thus also stores this info in the log-file). - The `\e[K` is passed through to make output from programs like ninja-build prettier. ### Fixed - Fixed an issue where the path returned by `mach.workdir` would be associated with a wrong host machine. - Fixed bash completions for `@args` not properly dealing with directories. - Fixed `login_delay` for board-linux not behaving as documented and in some circumstances leading to a login without waiting. [pyserial]: https://pyserial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pyserial.html ## [0.8.2] - 2020-04-08 _Update_: Development now happens on the `master` branch instead of `development`. ### Added - Added `LinuxShell.run()` to run a command and interact with its stdio: ```python with lh.run("gdb") as gdb: gdb.read_until_prompt("(gdb) ") gdb.sendline("target remote") gdb.read_until_prompt("(gdb) ") gdb.sendline("load") gdb.read_until_prompt("(gdb) ") gdb.sendline("quit") gdb.terminate0() ``` - `Path.write_text()`, `Path.read_text()`, `Path.write_bytes()`, and `Path.read_bytes()`: Methods to easily manipulate remote files. - Added integration for U-Boot's test/py test-framework. See the ``uboot_testpy`` testcase fore more. - A connector for connection to a [conserver](https://www.conserver.com/) based serial console: `tbot_contrib.connector.conserver` - Testcases for timing the duration of an operation (`tbot_contrib.timing`). - A testcase to deploy an `swu`-file to [SWUpdate](https://github.com/sbabic/swupdate) (`tbot_contrib.swupdate`). - Machines now implement `==` and `hash()`. A machine which was cloned from another machine has the same hash, i.e. they can be treated as equal. - Added a U-Boot smoke-test: `tbot.tc.uboot.smoke_test()` or `uboot_smoke_test` - Added a `DistroToolchain` class to easily allow using pre-installed toolchains with tbot. - Added a Workdir which lives in ``$XDG_DATA_HOME`` and one living in ``$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR`` (``Workdir.xdg_home()`` and ``Workdir.xdg_runtime()``). - You can now specify the U-Boot revision to checkout: ``tbot uboot_checkout -prev=\"v2020.01\"`` - A ``boot_timeout`` parameter was added to U-Boot machines to limit the maximum time, U-Boot is allowed to take during boot. - Testcases for interacting with GPIOs (`tbot_contrib.gpio`). - ``tbot.Re``: A convenience wrapper around ``re.compile``. Wherever regex-patterns are needed (e.g. in channel-interaction), you can now use `tbot.Re` instead of `re.compile("...".encode())`. - A `Channel.readline()` and a `Channel.expect()` method to mimic pexpect. ### Changed - The default workdir for Linux shells is no longer `/tmp/tbot-wd`. It is now `$XDG_DATA_HOME/tbot` (usually `~/.local/share/tbot`). - `UBootBuilder` now points to the new U-Boot upstream () by default. - Fixed `linux.Bash`'s `.env()` implementation unnecessarily querying the variable after setting it. - ``selftest`` now uses a dedicated machine class which does not clobber the default workdir and instead stores data in a temporary directory. ### Fixed - Fixed tbot sometimes not displaying a message before entering interactive mode, thus leaving the user clueless what escape-sequence to use to exit. - Fixed `linux.Bash`, `linux.Ash`, and `board.UBootShell` allowing some bad characters in command invocations which would mess up the shell's state. - Fixed `tbot.flags` only being set _after_ loading the testcases which could lead to weird inconsistency errors. - Fixed ``Channel.sendcontrol()`` not actually allowing all C0 control characters. ## [0.8.1] - 2020-03-06 ### Added - Added `LinuxShell.glob()` method for easily using shell globs. - Added parameters to `LinuxShell.subshell()` which can be used to spawn custom subshells. - Added `linux.RedirBoth` to redirect both stdout and stderr to the same file. - Added `UBootShell.ram_base` property to learn the RAM base address in testcases. - Added a write blacklist to channels. This feature can be used to disallow tests sending certain control characters. - Added a `do_build()` step to `UBootBuilder` which can be used to customize the command used for building U-Boot. - Empty `tbot_contrib` module for the future :) ### Changed - Made `SSHConnector` based machine cloneable (if the underlying host is cloneable). - Made `tbot.testcase` also work as a context-manager. This can be used to define 'sub-tests' in a function. Example: ```python with tbot.testcase("my_sub_testcase"): ... ``` ### Fixed - Fixed U-Boot and board-Linux not saving the bootlog to the log-event. - Fixed tbot happily printing special characters as part of a command which was sent (in the log). - Fixed selftests failing in some rare circumstances because a subprocess is not properly terminated or when bash is slow. - Removed use of the deprecated `time.clock()` function. - Properly check stdout encoding. - Fixed `read_iter` sometimes passing negative timeout values to the underlying channel IO. - Fixed tbot hanging on zero-byte `Channel.send()` call. - Fixed `lnx.env()` behaving incorrectly when an environment variable has a value which looks like an `echo`-option. - Fixed a bug caused by passing `"\n^"` as a parameter (bash interprets this as a kind of history expansion). - Fixed `UBootShell` not properly escaping `\` and `'`. - Fixed `ub.env()` failing on environment variables with weird values. ## [0.8.0] - 2019-11-20 The machine interface was completely overhauled. Please read the [migration guide](https://tbot.tools/migration.html) for more info. ### Added - `@tbot.with_lab`, `@tbot.with_uboot`, and `@tbot.with_linux` decorators to make writing testcase much simpler - `linux.RedirStdout(f)` & `linux.RedirStderr(f)`: Redirect stdout and stderr symbols - `Machine.init()` hook to call custom code after the machine was initialized. This can be used, for example, to init network manually in U-Boot. - `tc.shell.check_for_tool()` testcase - `tbot.skip()`: Skip a testcase - `Machine.clone()`: Attempt creating a copy of a machine. The two copies allow parallel interaction with the same host. ### Changed - `linux.BuildMachine` is now a mixin called `linux.Builder` - `linux.LabHost` is now a mixin called `linux.Lab` - `linux.LinuxMachine` should be replaced by `linux.LinuxShell` - `LabHost.new_channel()` was removed in favor of `LinuxShell.open_channel()`. `open_channel()` consumes the machine it is called on which means the equivalent to `new_channel()` now is: ```python with mach.clone() as cl: chan = cl.open_channel("telnet", "") ``` ### Removed - `exec0(stdout=f)`: Redirection should be done using `RedirStdout`. - `linux.Env(var)`: Environment-Variable substitution is hard to control. It is much easier to just use `mach.env(var)`. ### Fixed - `Path.__fspath__()` erroneously returning a result, even though the contract that is assumed with this method cannot be upheld by tbot. ## [0.7.1] - 2019-03-14 ### Added - `tbot.acquire_local()`: Quick access to a localhost machine - `LinuxMachine.home`: Path to the current user's home - `LocalLabHost.tbotdir`: tbot's current working directory on the localhost (either from where you ran `tbot` or the path given with `-C`) - `tbot.tc.kconfig`: Testcases for modifying a kernel config file - `login_delay`: Time to wait before logging in on the board. This should allow working with boards that clobber the console a lot during boot. ### Changed - Unknown parameters are now ignored if running multiple testcases so you can specify parameters that are just relevant to a single one. - `SSHMachine`s now use `NoneAuthenticator` by default. ### Fixed - `selftest`s sometimes failing if dropbear does not start fast enough - `SSHMachine`s using the local user's home dir instead of the one on the lab-host. - Local channels now correctly end the session which fixes weird bugs like picocom not being able to reaquire the shell. ## [0.7.0] - 2019-02-08 ### Added - Read commandline arguments from files: You can now specify a file using `@filename` and each line from that file will be interpreted as a commandline argument. - A man-page: `doc/tbot.1`! - `tbot.named_testcase`: Define testcases with a different name in log-files than the function name. The motivation is to reduce name ambiguity (e.g. `uboot.build` and `linux.build` would both be called `build` in the log). This also affects the testcases name when calling it from the commandline (you have to use the new name). ### Changed - The U-Boot build testcase has been completely rewritten. You will need to adapt you board config to work with the new version: * The build-info no longer exists, instead you define a `UBootBuilder`. Take a look at the docs to see available options. * The build attribute of your U-Boot machine must now be an **instance** of your `UBootBuilder`, **not** the class itself. Example of the new config: ```python from tbot.machine import board from tbot.tc import uboot class MyUBootBuilder(uboot.UBootBuilder): name = "my-builder" defconfig = "my_defconfig" toolchain = "generic-armv7a-hf" class MyUBootMachine(board.UBootMachine): ... build = MyUBootBuilder() ``` ### Fixed - `boot_to_shell` is no longer a public method of `BoardLinux` machines. ## [0.6.6] - 2019-01-18 ### Added - Graphviz `dot` diagram generator - New and improved documentation! - `LinuxMachine.fsroot`: A little convenience helper: You can now write `mach.fsroot / "proc/version"` instead of `linux.Path(mach, "/proc/version")` ### Changed - tbot no longer automatically creates a log file. If you want the previous behavior, use `--log-auto`. `--log=` will still behave as before. - `generators/generate_htmllog.py` -> `generators/htmllog.py` - `generators/debug_messages.py` -> `generators/messages.py` - `UBootMachine.env()` now also accepts `board.Special`s. ### Fixed - Duplication warning when star-importing another testcase-file. ## [0.6.5] - 2018-12-20 ### Added - `Machine.lh`: You can access the lab-host from every machine now. The idea behind this is to allow access to lab-specific configuration in a much easier way. - `mach.env()` can now be used to set environment variables as well: `env("name", "value")` - `-p` for setting testcase parameters. Provided values are parsed using `eval`, so be careful ... Example: ```bash $ tbot -p int_param=42 -p boolean=True -p string=\'str\' ``` ### Changed - You can now use `--log=` to suppress the creation of a log file. ### Fixed - `selftest_path_stat` assuming the existence of `/dev/sda`, which makes it fail on systems without this block device. - tbot will now only color its output if appropriate. It honors [CLICOLOR](https://bixense.com/clicolors/). ## [0.6.4] - 2018-12-05 ### Added - `-C` parameter to allow setting a different working directory - `${TBOTPATH}` environment variable to provide additional testcase directories; `TBOTPATH` is a `:` separated list of directorie - `auth.NoneAuthenticator`: Authenticator without key nor password, useful if ssh can figure authentication out by itself (eg with ssh-agent) - `GitRepository.apply`: Apply patches without committing the changes ### Changed - `linux.shell`: Shells now have a `shell.command`, which allows specifying a command to run the shell. For example, bash is run using `bash --norc` now. ### Fixed - timeout in `read_until_prompt` sometimes being negative - log missing bootlog for U-Boot if no autoboot is configured - tbot ignored ssh host aliases (ref #8) ## [0.6.3] - 2018-11-28 ### Added - `tbot.log.warning`: Print a warning message - If tbot fails to load a testcase source, it will now show the traceback that caused the failure ### Changed - Show any and all output that is received on the channel with `-vvv` - `BoardLinuxMachine` now allows the login and password prompts to be clobbered - `BoardLinuxMachine` login now waits for the shell to respond ### Removed - `login_wait` config parameter from `BoardLinuxMachine`. This "hack" is superseded by the more robust login implementation now. ### Fixed - `importlib.util` needs to be manually imported on some python versions ## [0.6.2] - 2018-11-22 ### Added - `Machine.env`: Easily get the value of an environment variable - Allow specifying a command when spawning a subshell. - `ub.bootlog` and `lnx.bootlog` to allow accessing the bootlog (ref #5) - Add `SSHMachine.ssh_config`: List of additional ssh config options ## [0.6.1] - 2018-11-16 ### Added - Proper buildhost support + U-Boot build testcase - `GitRepository` now fetches latest changes from remote by default - `LinuxMachine.subshell`: Spawn subshell to isolate context changes ### Changed - Allow setting `autoboot_prompt` to `None`, if the board automatically drops into a U-Boot shell. - Testcase directories are now traversed recurively - `SSHLabHost` now attempts to use values from `~/.ssh/config` if available. - `SSHMachine`: Use labhost's username by default ## [0.6.0] - 2018-11-08 Version 0.6.0 is finally here! It is a complete rewrite so none of the old stuff is relevant any more. The changelog below is not everything that was changed, but the changes since the last prerelease (`0.6.0-pre08`). ### Added - `mach.test()` to just check the return code of a command - `linux.F`, `board.F`: Formatter with TBot support - `max` parameter for `Channel.recv()` - `recv_n` method for `Channel` to read exactly N bytes - `ignore_hostkey` in `SSHLabHost` - `console_check` hook to prevent racey board connections from multiple developers - `LinuxWithUBootMachine.do_boot` for a more flexible `boot_commands` definition ### Changed - Improved testrun end handling - Made `SSHMachine` more userfriendly; now shows ssh errors in log - Made `shell` mandatory for `BoardLinux` machines ### Fixed - `shell.copy` sometimes not respecting `ignore_hostkey` flag - `shell.copy` relying on an ugly hack that breaks on some python versions - `Verbosity` being in the wrong format in log events ## [0.6.0-pre08] - 2018-10-29 ### Added - Selftest that fails intentionally ### Changed - *Internal*: `Board` no longer manages the boot-logevent as that breaks when no BoardMachine follows up ### Fixed - HTMLLog generater producing bad HTML because of some log issues ## [0.6.0-pre07] - 2018-10-25 ### Added - Password support in `shell.copy` - Recipes in documentation - `Board.cleanup`, `Channel.register_cleanup`, ability to register a hook for cleaning a channel. Might help if some lockfiles are kept when TBot just kills a connection. - Support for copying from `LocalLabHost()` to `SSHLabHost()` and the other way around. - `GitRepository.symbolic_head` to get current branch name ### Changed - `GitRepository.bisect` now ensures that the good revision is actually good and the current revision is actually bad. ### Fixed - Fix failures not leading to error return code - Better error message if a board/lab was not found - Stdout showing password prompt late - Remove some escape sequences from log output to keep it tidy ## [0.6.0-pre06] - 2018-10-11 ### Added - Reimplemented Logging. The following generators have been updated: * `htmllog` * `junit` - Support for password authentication on SSH machines. **I strongly reccomend not using this!** ### Changed - Updated documentation ### Fixed - Fixed pre-commit selftest hook creating log files ### Removed - Unnecessary files from pre 0.6 versions ## [0.6.0-pre05] - 2018-09-26 ### Added - `verbosity` parameter for `log.message` - `ignore_hostkey` flag for `SSHMachine`s ### Changed - More robust completions ### Fixed - Program name in help and version message was wrong - Better error messages when a testcase file can't be loaded - Selftests failing because sshd host key changes - `GitRepository` failing to reset in `__init__` ## [0.6.0-pre04] - 2018-09-19 ### Added - `GitRepository.head`: Get the current position of `HEAD` - `GitRepository.bisect`: Bisect the git repo to find the commit which introduced a bug. - Show durations of testcase runs. ### Changed - Moved package metadata into `__about__.py` - Always show long version in documentation - `shell.copy` can now copy from and to SSHMachines. ## [0.6.0-pre] - 2018-08-28 Version **0.6.0** is basically a complete rewrite of TBot. A rough summary of changes: - Be as *pythonic* as possible, the old version had a big issue of non pythonic patterns making things that should be easy difficult. - More static guarantees. New TBot can guarantee even more when checking your testcases with a static typechecker. A big new feature in that regard is static guarantee of never using a path with a wrong machine! - Cleaner and much smaller codebase. Every piece of code is written as small and pythonic as possible which has made the codebase much more manageable. - Speedups! New TBot can complete its selfchecks in under 1s. This is possible because of a new channel API that no longer uses sleep unless absolutely necessary. - Much more stable and predictable. Even more care was taken in making TBot behave as predictable as possible and reducing side effects. ## [0.3.4] - 2018-08-09 ### Added - `TestcaseFailure` & `InvalidUsageException` exceptions ### Changed - Better error message when testcase does not exist - More explicit exceptions ### Fixed - Fixed TBot ignoring failures while applying patches (#13) - Fixed -d not being allowed between board and testcase (#6) ## [0.3.3] - 2018-07-20 ### Added - `uboot.shell.autboot-keys`: Custom key sequence for intercepting autoboot (#9) - Warning if an invalid testcase file is in the path (TBot no longer refuses to do anything, in this case) ### Changed - Made scp config settings consistent with ssh settings (#10) ### Fixed - Fixed TBot still clogging the user's history with commands (#7) - Fixed testcase files not being able to import local submodules - Fixed TBot errors being shown when attempting testcase completion (#11) ## [0.3.2] - 2018-07-12 ### Added - Comments in files generated by `tbot-mgr` to explain config options - `-s`, `--show` command line option to get information about testcases - `warning` and `error` log message functions ### Changed - Removed `ssh_command` and added `ssh_flags` instead. This allows TBot to have more control over ssh ### Fixed - Fixed TBot hanging when SSH asks for a password - Fixed git bisecting ## [0.3.1] - 2018-06-22 ### Added - `tbot-mgr`: A script for managing TBot configs - Testcases for building Linux - `interactive_build_uboot` and `interactive_build_linux` - Selftests are now run as a pre-commit hook - A dummy lab and board for running selftests that are as generic as possible - ``linux.revision`` and ``uboot.revision`` config keys ### Changed - git testcases now have a `rev` parameter for checking out a specific revision ### Removed - DENX specific configs ### Fixed - A crash while checking the config ## [0.3.0] - 2018-06-15 ### Added - **Buildhosts:** This release adds the ability to build U-Boot/Linux on a separate machine. This will reduce load on your labhost if multiple people are using it - You can now disable documentation for a testcase by passing `doc=False` to `tb.call` - Added `-i/--interactive` commandline flag that will make TBot wait for user confirmation for each command it wants to execute. Use this if you are unsure whether your testcase will do anything harmful, because you can intervene if a critical command has ie. wrong parameters - Added `retrieve_build_artifact` and `tbot_clean_builddir` tasks - Added a new config key `build.local` that defines the buildhost that is the labhost itself - More tests in `check_config` - Better documentation ### Changed - `uboot_checkout` now checks out U-Boot onto the default buildhost by default - U-Boot is built on the buildhost by defalt, you need to use `retrieve_build_artifact` to copy binaries to the labhost - Renamed `tbot_check_config` to `check_config` ### Fixed - Removed an unnecessary shell check from U-Boot tests - Fixed TBot "leaking" from a with statement ## [0.2.4] - 2018-05-28 ### Added - pre-commit hook config, run `pre-commit install` to use these hooks. - Checks for malformed commands (eg. running `exit` or a command that contains a `\n`) ### Changed - Use flake8 instead of pylint - Reformat using black ### Fixed - Fix the config not being properly installed and thus TBot not working outside a development environment - Small visual errors that were created when moving to the new logger ## [0.2.3] - 2018-05-16 ### Added - New singleton logger `tbot.log` - Warning when trying to generate documentation from unsuccessful TBot runs ### Changed - The old logger was replaced by a new singleton implementation. This solves a few issues where the logger was not available when it should have been. Also, logging is a prime example for where to use a singleton. This will ensure that stdout is only used in one place and things don't get messy ... ### Removed - Old `tbot.logger` module and it's `LogEvent`'s - `TBot.log` ### Fixed - U-Boot bootlog was not shown in very-verbose logging - Documentation links not working properly - The interactive shells were not properly handling the receival of multiple bytes at once, this is fixed now - Path expansion in completions is now handled properly ## [0.2.2] - 2018-05-15 ### Added - **Commandline testcase parameters**: You can now pass parameters to testcases from the commandline using the `-p` or `--param` commandline parameter - Completions for logfile - More config documentation - `shell_utils.command_and_retval`: Run a command on a channel and get it's return code ### Removed - `@cmdline` decorator. All testcases are now callable from the commandline, for some you will need to use the new `-p` option to work properly ### Fixed - Completions for `-c` were not always properly handled (`=` messed with argument splitting) ## [0.2.1] - 2018-05-14 ### Changed - Disable writing to history when setting up a channel - Implement cleanup in interactive testcases so user code can continue after finishing an interactive session ### Fixed - Fix KeyErrors not displaying the full path to the failing key ## 0.2.0 - 2018-05-04 ### Changed - Use custom bash completions instead of argcomplete - Make the HTMLLog generator use a template. Eases development and reduces clutter in the source file. Also, the html logs no longer depend on the existence of the css file - Implement better quiet handling. Adjust the verbosity levels of some log messages to ensure they are displayed when they should be ### Fixed - Fix testcase EXPORTS. Exports are now in a separate file that is loaded before everything else. This should fix some testcases not working because exports they depend on were loaded later - Fix `call_then` not returning the function itself [Unreleased]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.10.7...master [0.10.7]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.10.6...v0.10.7 [0.10.6]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.10.5...v0.10.6 [0.10.5]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.10.4...v0.10.5 [0.10.4]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.10.3...v0.10.4 [0.10.3]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.10.2...v0.10.3 [0.10.2]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.10.1...v0.10.2 [0.10.1]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.10.0...v0.10.1 [0.10.0]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.9.6...v0.10.0 [0.9.6]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.9.5...v0.9.6 [0.9.5]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.9.4...v0.9.5 [0.9.4]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.9.3...v0.9.4 [0.9.3]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.9.2...v0.9.3 [0.9.2]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.9.1...v0.9.2 [0.9.1]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.9.0...v0.9.1 [0.9.0]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.8.3...v0.9.0 [0.8.3]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.8.2...v0.8.3 [0.8.2]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.8.1...v0.8.2 [0.8.1]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.8.0...v0.8.1 [0.8.0]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.7.1...v0.8.0 [0.7.1]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.7.0...v0.7.1 [0.7.0]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.6.6...v0.7.0 [0.6.6]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.6.5...v0.6.6 [0.6.5]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.6.4...v0.6.5 [0.6.4]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.6.3...v0.6.4 [0.6.3]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.6.2...v0.6.3 [0.6.2]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.6.1...v0.6.2 [0.6.1]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.6.0...v0.6.1 [0.6.0]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.6.0-pre08...v0.6.0 [0.6.0-pre08]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.6.0-pre07...v0.6.0-pre08 [0.6.0-pre07]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.6.0-pre06...v0.6.0-pre07 [0.6.0-pre06]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.6.0-pre05...v0.6.0-pre06 [0.6.0-pre05]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.6.0-pre04...v0.6.0-pre05 [0.6.0-pre04]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.6.0-pre...v0.6.0-pre04 [0.6.0-pre]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.3.4...v0.6.0-pre [0.3.4]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.3.3...v0.3.4 [0.3.3]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.3.2...v0.3.3 [0.3.2]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.3.1...v0.3.2 [0.3.1]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1 [0.3.0]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.2.4...v0.3.0 [0.2.4]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.2.3...v0.2.4 [0.2.3]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.2.2...v0.2.3 [0.2.2]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.2.1...v0.2.2 [0.2.1]: https://github.com/Rahix/tbot/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1