Source code for tbot.machine.board.uboot

# tbot, Embedded Automation Tool
# Copyright (C) 2019  Harald Seiler
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import contextlib
import re
import time
import typing

import tbot
from .. import shell, machine, channel
from ..linux import special

class UBootStartupEvent(tbot.log.EventIO):
    def __init__(self, ub: machine.Machine) -> None:
        self.ub = ub
            ["board", "uboot",],
            tbot.log.c("UBOOT").bold + f" ({})",

        self.verbosity = tbot.log.Verbosity.STDOUT
        self.prefix = "   <> "

    def close(self) -> None:
        setattr(self.ub, "bootlog", self.getvalue())["output"] = self.getvalue()

class UbootStartup(machine.Machine):
    _uboot_init_event: typing.Optional[tbot.log.EventIO] = None
    _timeout_start: typing.Optional[float] = None

    boot_timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None
    Maximum time from power-on to U-Boot shell.

    If tbot can't reach the U-Boot shell during this time, an exception will be thrown.

    def _uboot_startup_event(self) -> tbot.log.EventIO:
        if self._uboot_init_event is None:
            self._uboot_init_event = UBootStartupEvent(self)

            self._timeout_start = time.monotonic()

        return self._uboot_init_event

[docs]class UBootAutobootIntercept(machine.Initializer, UbootStartup): """ Machine-initializer to intercept U-Boot autobooting. The default settings for this class should work for most cases, but if a custom autoboot prompt was configured, or a special key sequence is necessary, you will have to adjust this here. **Example**: .. code-block:: python import re class MyUBoot( board.Connector, board.UBootAutobootIntercept, board.UBootShell, ): autoboot_prompt = tbot.Re("Press DEL 4 times.{0,100}", re.DOTALL) autoboot_keys = "\\x7f\\x7f\\x7f\\x7f" """ autoboot_prompt: typing.Optional[] = ( re.compile(b"autoboot:\\s{0,5}\\d{0,3}\\s{0,3}.{0,80}") ) """ Autoboot prompt to wait for. """ autoboot_keys: typing.Union[str, bytes] = "\r" """ Keys to press as soon as autoboot prompt is detected. """ @contextlib.contextmanager def _init_machine(self) -> typing.Iterator: if self.autoboot_prompt is not None: with timeout = None if self.boot_timeout is not None: assert self._timeout_start is not None timeout = self.boot_timeout - ( time.monotonic() - self._timeout_start ) try: prompt=self.autoboot_prompt, timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: raise TimeoutError( "U-Boot autoboot prompt did not show up in time" ) from None, _ignore_blacklist=True) yield None
_hush_find_unsafe = re.compile(r"[^\w@%+=:,./-]", re.ASCII).search def _hush_quote(s: str) -> str: if not s: return '""' if _hush_find_unsafe(s) is None: return s # - Quote \ (inside quotes) as \\ # - Quote single quotes using a \ (outside the original quotes). # # Example: $'\b is quoted as '$'\''\\b' s = s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "'\\''") return "'" + s + "'" ArgTypes = typing.Union[str, special.Special]
[docs]class UBootShell(shell.Shell, UbootStartup): """ U-Boot shell. The interface of this shell was designed to be close to the :ref:`Linux shell <linux-shells>` design. This means that U-Boot shells also provide - :py:meth:`ub.escape() <tbot.machine.board.UBootShell.escape>` - Escape args for the U-Boot shell. - :py:meth:`ub.exec0() <tbot.machine.board.UBootShell.exec0>` - Run command and ensure it succeeded. - :py:meth:`ub.exec() <tbot.machine.board.UBootShell.exec>` - Run command and return output and return code. - :py:meth:`ub.test() <tbot.machine.board.UBootShell.test>` - Run command and return boolean whether it succeeded. - :py:meth:`ub.env() <tbot.machine.board.UBootShell.env>` - Get/Set environment variables. - :py:meth:`ub.interactive() <tbot.machine.board.UBootShell.interactive>` - Start an interactive session for this machine. There is also the special :py:meth:`ub.boot() <tbot.machine.board.UBootShell.boot>` which will boot a payload and return the machine's channel, for use in a machine for the booted payload. """ prompt: typing.Union[str, bytes] = "U-Boot> " """ Prompt which was configured for U-Boot. Commonly ``"U-Boot> "``, ``"=> "``, or ``"U-Boot# "``. .. warning:: **Don't forget the trailing space, if your prompt has one!** """ bootlog: str """Transcript of console output during boot.""" @contextlib.contextmanager def _init_shell(self) -> typing.Iterator: with self._uboot_startup_event() as ev, = ( self.prompt.encode("utf-8") if isinstance(self.prompt, str) else self.prompt ) # Set a blacklist of control characters. These characters are # known to mess up the state of the U-Boot shell. They are: = [ 0x00, # NUL | Null 0x01, # SOH | Start of Heading 0x02, # STX | Start of Text 0x03, # ETX | End of Text / Interrupt 0x04, # EOT | End of Transmission 0x05, # ENQ | Enquiry 0x06, # ACK | Acknowledge 0x07, # BEL | Bell, Alert 0x08, # BS | Backspace 0x09, # HT | Character Tabulation, Horizontal Tabulation 0x0B, # VT | Line Tabulation, Vertical Tabulation 0x0C, # FF | Form Feed 0x0E, # SO | Shift Out 0x0F, # SI | Shift In 0x10, # DLE | Data Link Escape 0x11, # DC1 | Device Control One (XON) 0x12, # DC2 | Device Control Two 0x13, # DC3 | Device Control Three (XOFF) 0x14, # DC4 | Device Control Four 0x15, # NAK | Negative Acknowledge 0x16, # SYN | Synchronous Idle 0x17, # ETB | End of Transmission Block 0x18, # CAN | Cancel 0x1A, # SUB | Substitute / Suspend Process 0x1B, # ESC | Escape 0x1C, # FS | File Separator 0x7F, # DEL | Delete ] while True: if self.boot_timeout is not None: assert self._timeout_start is not None if (time.monotonic() - self._timeout_start) > self.boot_timeout: raise TimeoutError("U-Boot did not reach shell in time") try: break except TimeoutError: time.sleep(0.5) yield None
[docs] def escape(self, *args: ArgTypes) -> str: """Escape a string so it can be used safely on the U-Boot command-line.""" string_args = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, str): # We can't use shlex.quote() here because U-Boot's shell of # course has its own rules for quoting ... string_args.append(_hush_quote(arg)) elif isinstance(arg, special.Special): string_args.append(arg._to_string(self)) else: raise TypeError(f"{type(arg)!r} is not a supported argument type!") return " ".join(string_args)
[docs] def exec(self, *args: ArgTypes) -> typing.Tuple[int, str]: """ Run a command in U-Boot. **Example**: .. code-block:: python retcode, output = ub.exec("version") assert retcode == 0 :rtype: tuple(int, str) :returns: A tuple with the return code of the command and its console output. The output will also contain a trailing newline in most cases. """ cmd = self.escape(*args) with tbot.log_event.command(, cmd) as ev:, read_back=True) with, show_prompt=False): out =["stdout"] = out"echo $?", read_back=True) retcode_str = try: retcode = int(retcode_str) except ValueError: raise tbot.error.InvalidRetcodeError(self, retcode_str) from None return (retcode, out)
[docs] def exec0(self, *args: ArgTypes) -> str: """ Run a command and assert its return code to be 0. **Example**: .. code-block:: python output = ub.exec0("version") # This will raise an exception! ub.exec0("false") :rtype: str :returns: The command's console output. It will also contain a trailing newline in most cases. """ retcode, out = self.exec(*args) if retcode != 0: raise tbot.error.CommandFailure(self, args, repr=self.escape(*args)) return out
[docs] def test(self, *args: ArgTypes) -> bool: """ Run a command and return a boolean value whether it succeeded. **Example**: .. code-block:: python if ub.test("true"): tbot.log.message("Is correct") :rtype: bool :returns: Boolean representation of commands success. ``True`` if return code was ``0``, ``False`` otherwise. """ retcode, _ = self.exec(*args) return retcode == 0
[docs] def env(self, var: str, value: typing.Optional[ArgTypes] = None) -> str: """ Get or set an environment variable. **Example**: .. code-block:: python # Get the value of a var value = ub.env("bootcmd") # Set the value of a var lnx.env("bootargs", "loglevel=7") :param str var: Environment variable name. :param str value: Optional value to set the variable to. :rtype: str :returns: Current (new) value of the environment variable. """ if value is not None: self.exec0("setenv", var, value) # Use `printenv var` instead of `echo "$var"` because some values would # otherwise result in broken expansion. output = self.exec0("printenv", var) # `output` contains "<varname>=<value>\n" so slice off the variable # name and trailing newline. return output[len(var) + 1 : -1]
[docs] def boot(self, *args: ArgTypes) -> channel.Channel: """ Boot a payload from U-Boot. This method will run the given command and expects it to start booting a payload. ``ub.boot()`` will then return the channel so a new machine can be built on top of it for the booted payload. **Example**: .. code-block:: python ub.env("bootargs", "loglevel=7") ch = ub.boot("bootm", "0x10000000") :rtype: """ cmd = self.escape(*args) with tbot.log_event.command(, cmd):, read_back=True) return
[docs] def interactive(self) -> None: """ Start an interactive session on this machine. This method will connect tbot's stdio to the machine's channel so you can interactively run commands. This method is used by the ``interactive_uboot`` testcase. """ tbot.log.message(f"Entering interactive shell...") # It is important to send a space before the newline. Otherwise U-Boot # will reexecute the last command which we definitely do not want here." ") print("")" ") try: except TimeoutError: raise tbot.error.MachineError( "Failed to reacquire U-Boot after interactive session!" ) tbot.log.message("Exiting interactive shell ...")
# Utilities ----- {{{ _ram_base: int @property def ram_base(self) -> int: """ Return the base address of RAM for this U-Boot instance. This address can be used as a safe bet when your testcase needs to store something in RAM. **Example**: .. code-block:: python serverip = # ... filepath = # ... ub.exec0("tftp", hex(ub.ram_base), f"{serverip}:{filepath}") ub.exec0("iminfo", hex(ub.ram_base)) """ try: return self._ram_base except AttributeError: out = self.exec0("bdinfo") match ="^-> start\s+= (0x[\dA-Fa-f]+)$", out, re.MULTILINE) if match is None: raise tbot.error.MachineError("RAM base not found in bdinfo output!") self._ram_base = int(, 16) return self._ram_base
# }}}